A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 59

-:- A C T I I - : -
A street in Bologna. Runa from the backing flat for-
ward from R. to L.L. a corner house,the same R.
An imaginary street runs in front of these houses
across the stage. In front of these houses are por-
tiooes, and part of the action takes place under
these arches. The houses havetwops with counter
in front on which to Heapaly goods. The corner house
R. near to the street crossing is the shop of old
Nardi.ss to it,but nearer theolings,Capponi s shop,
a dealer in apices and perfumes.
In front of Nardi’s shop an "empty table. before Capponi's
twoissables with small bottles, boxes etc.
Moderate movement of people in the street. From L.
enter citizens talking, who disappear up the street,
meeting in the back-ground soldiers here and there.
They pass through the street R.
From L. young women and men, following the soldiers.
Mrs Nardi and Rosina appear for a moment in the door
of their shop and then exit.
Capponi stands before his shop and greets passers by.
Eter from R. Claudia and Caterina, two women of
This is the place. Good evening.
Cood evening ladies.Can I serve you?
I want a battle of your rose water.
What kind of rose water? I have twenty five or thirty different
kinds. The ordinary Padua rose water,the Neapolitan,the Cyprian
I don’t know what it’s called. I bought some last winter.
A different person sold it then. Ainen-somme youth.
Bennozzo,my son!Oh! G