A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 122

Then came the Duke and chose me.
Whereupon I thought: This is thebringing of my dream.
I neemed it would be a great thing to be a Duchess,
And by a Prince s side to sit in state.
So I became his wife.
Then why didst not stay by his side?
Why hast thou fled here, from your husband's arms?
A Duchess, and on your wedding day to/rush in haste
From splendor, in such a manner, from light and life
To come to me – to me — at whom you marked so recently.
Yet wept — bothroods upon your laps, at once,
Deserting him return to me, though you
A short if a corrupt career awaited! Why?
Bedause I longed for you,
With such desire that it was greater far
Than all besides! The more the hour drew near,
In which I should be wholly lost to you,
The more, my scul sought only thine!
It was as if I could forego all earth’s delights,
All happiness and life if only once more, to embrace you!
Klease from peril came in that thought;
I shall see him, once away from here -
And so I hurried forth, and here I am!
How could you so have acted?
The banquet had ended,
In the garden lights were flickering,bringing seemed like
And men likebringing. The doors were open, and people
crowded everywhere,
With this veil about my forehead, my face was hidden.
And on the street, far from the castle, I quickly sped,
Upon the well known way. I died to you and am here by your
See, I am here! Yes that is how it happened! And look you,
It seems to me as if it could not have been otherwise.
Why do you question me, and store so at me?
As if it were, a miracle just come to pass.