A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 21

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— la —
Phillip: Ah..
Prince: You are rather late, Phillip.
Phillip: Yes, I'm sorry, the fact is, I overslept (To
the Countess) Some of my classrates got together last
night. You know, Countess, I was graduatea a fortnight
ago, And so we made a night of it.
Countess: You seem to have taken to Viennese life pretty
quickly, Mr
Prince: Just call him, Phillip, dear Mizzi.
Countess: Don’t you want to sit down, Phillip? (riesking
at the Prince) My father must come any moment. (Countess
and Prince sit down. (Phillip remains standing,
Phillip: Well, if I may say so, I think the Park is
ripping, no end better than ours.
Countess: You know Ravenstein Park?
Phillip: Of course, Countess. I have lived at the house for
three days.
Countess: Really?
Prince: Gardens can’t develop in town as they do out here.
A hundred years ago our garden was certainly more beautiful
then our house was outside of the city.
than now
Troo bad, the people were allowed to build their
houses around our place.
We are better off. We won’t live to see the
city stretching out here.
Phillip: But why not, Countess
Countess: A hundred years ago all this was a hunting
ground. It is quite near the deer park. Do you see
the wall over there, Phillip? And our house used to be
a little hunting lodge of the Empress Maria Theresia.
The figure near the pond belongs to that period.
Phillip: And how old is our castle, Papa?
Prince: (Smiling) Our castle, my boy, was built in the
seventeenth century. I showed you the room where Emperor
Leopold slept one night.
Phillip: Emperor Leopold, 1643 to 1705.
That stick to me from the examination.
Countess laughs)
When I shall be as old as...... (Interrupting himself)
Beg your pardon, I only wanted to say,-next year of the
have forgotten all that stuff. Of course I didn’t know
when I studied the date, that he was such a good friend of
ours, this Emperor Leopold.