A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 52

Countess: With the gentleman himself? Do you know that that's
a great honor? Wasner doesn't drive for everyone. Till two years
ago he still drove for Papa!
Philip: Ah...
Prince: By the way, you're a little late, Philip.
Philip: Yes, I'm awfully sorry. You see, I overslept.
(To the Countess) A few classrates and + spent last evening to-
You have heard perhaps, Countess, that I passed myienals
ten days ago, and so yesterday we had a little spree.
Countess: You seem to have becomeoustomed to Vienna
life very quickly, Mr.
Prince: simply call him Philip, dear Mizzi.
Countess: Please, won't you sit down, Philip? (Groks at
Papa will be here at any moment.
Countess and Prince (sit down).
Well, if you don’t mind my saying
Philip: (still standing)
It is much finer than ours.
so, I find the park delightful.
Countess: So you know Ravenstein Park?
Philip: Naturally, Countess. I have been living in the
Castle for three days.
Countess: What?
Prince: In the city the valdens cannot Sorelop so well as
out here. A hundred years ago ours wasowdoubtedly much lovelier than
now. At that time our castle was still outside of the city.
Philip: Too bad that they allowed the people to build
houses all around our castle.
We are better off. We shall probably not live to
see the time when the city lextends out here.
But why, Countess...
Philip: (Politely)
A hundred years ago this was all elunting ground.
It orders directly on the emperor’s garden. There, you can see
the wall, Philip. And our villa was at one time a hunting lodge
of Maria Theresia. The sandstone figure out there inside the pool
dates from that time.
Philip: And how old is our castle,
Prince: (smiling) Our castle, my son, dates from the seven-
teenth century. I showed you the room in which Kaiser Leopold slept
one night.
Philip: Kaiser Leopold, 1643 to 1705.