A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 113

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(is about to thank him)
(stopping him)
You under stand I cannot guarantee to bring him back?
But since it seems to matter to you so tremendously
(as Rade, is again about to thank him) That’s
(He turn's away)
alright, that’s alright.
Finsed at last!
My dear Tann, I’LL ask you to do something for me-—
Visit the other words in my place, there Is nothing
of importance -- two Hujections - - the nure will
be able to tell you.
what is it
Why, what is it?
queer business
This poor devil has begged me to
An-odd story.
fetsh an old friend to him, to whom he obviously
has an important confidence to make, and do you
know who it is - Weiggast, the
Why you're surely not going to do it,
Now come, are you
Well, and you are going then?
a messenger? Believe me, these people here are
simply exploiting your good nature.
Well my friend, that besends how one feel about it.
In my view things like this are just the most
interesting side of our profession.
Well, that is a point of view, too.
Then will you oblige me?
We must give up the café for to-day?
Oh certainly.
still get there.
Perhaps I might
(EXIT Halm. Tann. Nur se.)
Whix, what have you been talking
about with the Doctor so long?
(With emotion, almost with gaiety) I'm going to
have a Du sitor, I'm going to have aouditor.
(Interested) What’s that? Avisor? Now?
In the middle of the night?
now you just watch
Yes, my dear Jackwerth,
There will be something more for you to learn, I
You must study this
mean from my visit.
gentleman before he comes into me, and afterwards
when he leaves me. AH! (With growing excitement)
If I can only see it! If I can only see it!
Give me a glass of water Jackwerth, there’s a good
fellow. (FLOR. does so, and he drink this stily
Thanks, thanks. Yes,I think the machine will hold
out so long as that, (Almost in fear.) If he only
with nurgwing
comes, if he only comes.
Who are you talking about then?
No that would be no
(To himself) write to him?
use. No I must have him here, here in from t
of me, eye to eye and face to face. Ah yes.