A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 118

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Well, you've sent for me and want to speak to me.
Why do you an
I'm ready to listen.
it was only a flicker frem the lamp.
here is not on a very high level......Well, I-M
I shall explain to Dr. Halmschlöger that
you made no use of the first five minutes. Well?"
(Has already half opened his month several times.
as if to speak; he does so now again, but is again
A Pause.)
Well how has your life gone on all this time?
(With=alight emharrasment) Mm, Mm...
Rather a tactless question at this moment.
I feel a little ill at case, I confess it to you;
For if one looks at it simply on the surface
one might suppose that I am the one who has had the
And yet looking at things as they
happier de stiny.
really must be looked at who has suffered more
disillusions, It is always the one who appears to
have achieved most..... that sound s like a
paradox, but yet it is the fact. Oh if I chose to
tell you....nothinng but struggles, nothing but
I dont know how far you may have followed
the movement of recent times.
Well now they are
why the young men.
falling upon me.... who?
When one reflect s that ten years ago one was one self
of the young... now they are trying to bring me
If one just read the magasines!
it is enough to give one a fit of sickness.
treat me withatempt, with condescension.
After one has honestly worked and
It is pitiable.
and than,- ah,
triven, given of one's best.
I can think yourself
you may be glad to be out of all these things.
lucly I ff I could choose again to day and begin my life
are again.
I'd like to be a pea sant on the land, or a shepherd,
or a Polar explorer, - anything you like, but nothing
& do out literature.
still it's not the end of the
chapter yet,
(With a strange Neile)
You want to go to the North Bole?
there will be
but the opening of next season a new
No, no;
Then they shall see,
quece of mine coming on.
I wont let my self be Hercked
they shall see.
Well-now, das If
under! Just wait, just wait.
all goes well you must be there, my good old friend.
I give you my word to send you ticket's, though in
general your paper takes dammed little notice of me.
Indeed, my last two books were passed over by you
in dead silence.
But yf course you have nothing to
do with those tricks. Well, after all, what dull
stupid stuff I'm talking.
Now do talk xx your self
at last. What have you got to tell me? If it is
hard for you to speak about, I could move quite
close to you. H’m. (Pause) What will my wife
say when I tell her that our old friend Rademacher is
lying in the General Hospital.
That’s your
pride, my dear Rademacher, your Alcur sed pride.