A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 36

the second time. Ita first publication was in 1913 in Viennose
Idylls. It now appeared in The Shepherd'sAipe and Othor Etories
by Erthur Schnitzler, the second of the "Other Stories" being
"The Murderer", a story which was deatined to be published again
with "The blind Geronimo" in Little Hovels of 1929. "The Blind
Geronimo", like the playe "The Green Cockatoo", "The Lady with
the Dagger", "Living Mours" and "Eiterature", has three translators.
It was also edited in German with notes and vocabulary by Law-
rence price (1929). In 1929 "The fate of the Baron von Leisenbohg",
another of the Etories later to be included in little Novele, was
Julished in Ths Dial. In the same year Jchnitzler's first long
novel. Der ieg ins Preie, was translated by H.B.Samuel and was
well received. The substance of the reviews is: "It is a beauti-
ful book and a true; it has flesh and blood and that which for
lack of a better word we call a soul; (1) "Schnitzler's style
is always finished and greceful; his method in this work is de-
licate but probing: his le the hand of a physicaln of sophisticated
cated mind and heart;” (E) and in one sentence the them is
summarized by H.W. Boynton -- "Schnitzler holde in this book the
familiar brief for the social irmesponsibliity of the creative
artist.” (3)
1. ) Boston Transcript. Feb. 3. 1923. p 4
Literary Digest. March.1923.p52.
2.) International Book seview of
3.) Bookman. Spril. 1923. IVII. 206.