A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 56

intense love and ffirmation of life. In stylistic elegance
and finish of execution it is unsurpassed and ranks as a fit
compandon-piece to Hhapsojy and Daybraak. It is an admirable
translation." Among those who defended the book were,
Theodore Dreiser
the writers: Henry L. Meneken
Heywood Broun
Herbert Asbury
Dr. Harry Barnes Sinelair Lewis
John C. Pawys
Chairman of the Board of
Roy W. Howard,
the editor:
Directors of the Seripps-Howard newspapers
newspapers and magasines: New York Times; New York
Evening World; New York Herald Tribune;
The Nation
the preacher:Reverend Doctor Charles Frances Rotter
the Ohio State University faculty: H. M. Kallen (2)
Magistrate Gottlieb, himself “no Mid-Victorian,” (3) not only
found nothing obeene in it but also found that, "until a man
is over fifty, he doesn’t appreciate a book like this.” (4)
Since the court came to the conclusion that the book "is not so
objectionable and Reggestive in character as to warrant judicial
condemnation,” (5) the magistrate demissed the charge against
the publisher. But Sumner, not willing to drop the matter, asked
District Attorney Crain to bring the matter before the Grand Jury.
Copies of the book wereenIn stributed. In order that each man might
read it for himself. Meanwhile Sumner wrote an open letter to the
New York Herald Tribune (6) in which he brought in a statement
concerning Hands Around. On Wednesday, October 22, 1930 the book
which had been before theOurts for seven years was oleared by
the Grand Jury; (7) whereupon Mr. Schuster wrote an open letter
to the ditor of the New York Herald Tribune (8) in which he
sept. 26. 1930.
Sept. 25. 1930.
Sept. 25, 1930.
Post. Sept. 26. 1930.
Sept. 26, 1930.
Oct. 1, 1930.
Dune, Oct. 23, 1930.
Tribune, Nov. 9. 1930.