A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 85

Friday, Aug. 8, p. 11, by Harry Hansen
New York World
Friday, Sept. 26, Casanova geta a elean bill
Oct. 4, Casanova to Grand Jury (on Oct. 6)
Oct. 8, Jury to read Schnitsler book
Nov. 16, Open letter by M. L. Schuster
(Seine letter published Nov, 9 in New York
Merald Tribune)
Sept. 26, Schnitzler book wins another
New York Herald Tribune
legel skirmich
Oct. 1, Open letter by Sumner
Oct. 4, Schnitzler book a Court veteran
to face jurors
Oct. 23, Casanova's Homecoming cleared by
Grand Jury (on Oct. 22)
Nov. 9. Open letter by M.L.Schuster (Sam
as above, New York World, Nov. 16)
Nov. 16, Open letter by John S. Sumner
Sept. 25, P.l, Book not observe
New York Sun
Sept. 25, Judge Gottlieb, "No Mid-Victorian"
New York Telegram
cleers Casannova's Homecoming
sept. 27
Sept. 26, (Long article) Schnitsler book
New York Evening Post
held not immoral
Oct. 23, Sumner loses book case
New York Time
ie Saturday Revicw of Literature Sept. 27, Comment on binding, type
Nov. 1, List of Schnitzler's works which
are available in English.translation
Chief Articles Concerning Casanova's Homecoming
appearing in Newspapers outside of New York City.
Note: Most of these articles -contain practically the
same information as was in the New York City papers, with oc-
All dates refer to the year 1930.
Aug. 17, Now, of all things, Casano'va
State (Columbia, S.C.)
Gemecoming has been spied by J. Sumner
(Revlev follows)
Journal (Sloux City, Ia.) Aug. 19, John Sumner officiel snooper
for New York City.
Tennessean (Nashville, Teun.) Sept. 50, Return of a fandas lever
Druck'a Homecoming.
Sept. 23. Capitel,
Cineinnati Post
sitely Ironie observation of the
great lower in his advanced years.