A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 139

generally received with high acclain and is still considered by
many to be Schnitzler's masterpiece. Samuel Lublinski considered
diese Schilderung in nuce der französischen Revolution in ihrer
Art ein Meisterstück.“ (48) And Max Lorenz: “Ich halte den grünen
Kakadu für ein überaus geistreiches und dabei tiefsinniges, effekt-
reiches und doch inhaltsvolles Meisterwerkchen moderner Dramen-
kunst. (49)
Berlin periodical literature did not echo the storm of
protest (50) around by the series of dialect, Reigen, written in
the winter of 1896-97 and first privately printed as manuscript
in 1900. (51) In general a discreet silence washnintained by
the oritios, who, as the Reigen trial in Berlin later proved, had
read the work but preferred todiscuss it in private. In fact,
most literarilyίnclined Austrians and Germans had read the book,
but charged the opinion with theoritics that it was just a bit too
risque to be connected on in periodical literature for the approba¬
tion or disapproval of the general public. Alfred Kerr alnne dared
come out in print and state that Reigen was "Ein wundervolles Buch"
Sein Wert liegt in den Lebensaspekten und der komischen Gestaltung.-
Es ist ein kleiner Dekameron unsrer Tage.“ (52) After the release
of the book for the general public but one more opinion about it
Das Literarische Scho, II, 227, November 15. 1899.
Preussische Jahrbücher, 10VII, 498, October 1899.
See general bibliography appended, page 97
Das Litererische Echo, II. 1173, May 15, 1900.
Die Neue Deutsche Mundschau, XI. 566, June 1900. (Note that
this was before the work was publicly printed.)