L.E. XVI, 213-14, December 15, 1913. Exeerpts from a review of
Schnitzler in the Freudian style by Karl Furtmüller (Zentral-
blatt für Beychoanalyse und asychotherapie, IV, 1 2). The re-
viewer calls Schnitzler "den Dichter der Libido".
L.S. XVI, 661-7, February 15, 1914. Essay by Joachim Benn "Die
neue Iegende ” in which the Hovelle Die Fremde is called a good
exemple of the new Eigend about women.
L.E. XVI, 922, April 1914. notice of aontical review of
Th. Reik's bock Arthur Schnitzler als asycholog by Prof. Max Koch.
L.E. XVI. 108. May 1. 1914. Reviev of a book Arthur Schnitzler.
by Robert Roseen. (Berlin, Verlag Neues Leben, Wm. Borngräber, 57 S.
The reviewer, W.M. Südel, does not agree with the author in all his
views about the single works, but lands the author's attempt to
point out the beauty that lies hidden in Schnitzler’s works.
L.E. XVI, 213-14, December 15, 1913. Exeerpts from a review of
Schnitzler in the Freudian style by Karl Furtmüller (Zentral-
blatt für Beychoanalyse und asychotherapie, IV, 1 2). The re-
viewer calls Schnitzler "den Dichter der Libido".
L.S. XVI, 661-7, February 15, 1914. Essay by Joachim Benn "Die
neue Iegende ” in which the Hovelle Die Fremde is called a good
exemple of the new Eigend about women.
L.E. XVI, 922, April 1914. notice of aontical review of
Th. Reik's bock Arthur Schnitzler als asycholog by Prof. Max Koch.
L.E. XVI. 108. May 1. 1914. Reviev of a book Arthur Schnitzler.
by Robert Roseen. (Berlin, Verlag Neues Leben, Wm. Borngräber, 57 S.
The reviewer, W.M. Südel, does not agree with the author in all his
views about the single works, but lands the author's attempt to
point out the beauty that lies hidden in Schnitzler’s works.