A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 75

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many shall go forth, but who shall return? Rosina, who knows,
but that this is the last night which is vouchsafed your loving
Tell me, when the Duke goes throughthe strreets, how many touch
beaters accompany him?
The custom of the Court requires a half doesn, but his Grace,
does not always, I am sorry to say, follow the custom of the
Court. Listen to me, Rosina! I beg of you! My little house
stands ten paces from the Garisenda gate – no doubt you know
it! What young girl in Bologna has not had it pointed out to
her. Will you not take this last opportunity to see the inside
of it? This is my last
wish on earth! think of it, it is a
patriotic deed to sweeten a young hero's last hours. Rosina,
early my limbs shall lie bleacking
perhaps tomorrow morning
on the sans before Bologna’s Gate.
Orlandino, if you had not said just that! It is a fearful thought!
I should have to think always of your limbs! No, no, leave me!
would not have the least pleasure! I'll not go to your house.
Heartless one!
Most heartless one!
(Eter FRANCESCO arms)
What do I see -- our young Princesco--and in error!
How fine you look! Aacold warrior!
Good evening, Princesco!
Francesoo (In low tone)
Go way with you! I've no mind to listen to such talk today!
Why? What do you say?
How brave a dagger at one’s side makes one.
One would almost believe you had a heard. What did you say?
Did you not understand
Get out! Leave me in peace.
Mrs. Nardi
What is the matter with you, Francesoo? What sort of talk is
this, with which you insult these gentlemen?