A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 81

And from there towards to the garden.
Then,from the garden on the road to Lugano,
Which will bring you to Budrie by day break,
And there--
When we reach there, we should thank heaven for having saved us.
We can ride from Budrio by daytime to my active cit y, I will
take you to my parents, they will embrace their new daughter
with rupture. All is ready, that in a few days I can open up
my workshop in my own home. Truly, I foresee a life full of
work and full of joy before me.
It is well you have thought it out, if it will but succeed.
It is of course not without danger,
But there is far more and better hope,
Thanin Bologna to remain to-night.
So shall I become Vittorino's wife! Just think!
How this is brought about! and we did play
Only a year ago out there upon the medows,
like two children
Bestrice, how I love you!
Yes, truly,time is but a word,nothing more!
When I but look at you,gewesco; yesterday
You were a child, to-day you are a man!
And the fairytale-
You still think of fairetales?
Has not father often told them to us?
About a fellow who stuck his head under water
And dreamed so long about Adventures.
As would have taken twenty years to happen,
Yet bobbed his head up, and he'd been under water but a moment.
She strokes her hair.)
What ails you, Bestrice? Why do you press your hands to your
temples, like that?
To see if my hair is still wet?