A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 102

For me! Alls! Only a deep desire
To draw one full, free breath of air believed
That the polluted hour is spent. How vain
And unavalling this attempt to rouse
My soul from its deep Uentered purposes.
I long to be alone, and having tried,
This dull experiment, I know of naught
To hold me here.
(after thinking a moment)
Yes there is one thing more!
The echo of a word she spoke; Which scaree
I first perceived, but which persisting grows
More clear, and rings within mine ears, like
Ghostly fingers, were trilling on the strings.
Of my sad soul a tender song of hope.
Can this presage be true — Dare I believe
That she will come, to die with me? Oh!
Rapturous thought past credence
The latest vesture of my comardice,
Off with you! See it stands, poor subterfuge
Unclasked, and mocks me – scoffing leers "You fear
To go alone into the dark, like to
A timid Child, who takes her dollars to bed
For comfort — you must needs have Beatrice,
Fare with thee into night and nothingness.
(a pause. Starts as if awaking)
Wake up! The night has passed!
2nd Fiddler
(sits up and falls back again)
(Flute Player on floor seize flute and sounde a note.
Lute player stirs, but continues to sleep.)
Ist Füddler
(stretching himself,
takes up his bow, raps on floor,
to give signal to begin.)
Well! Ready!
Pray pardon me, My Lord, I lost myself a moment!
A moment? You have been sleeping here for hours!