A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 142

What are you really afraid of? Tell us clearly! Do you have
in any kind of with- peraft?
Magun I
Do not let us pay any attention to this word. But who knows,by
what power this meiden is controlled, with or against her will.
I beg you, stand by me, when I be seach the Duke for the last
To sleep alone?
It is impossible, Magnani,do you not see it is!
It is not impossible! If his desire towards her were so great,
he would not be walking to and fro alone under the trees, as
we saw him just now.I owear to you,the same thoughts have com
to him as to us!
No, Magnani, that omen from le even, that's what is making him
se serious.
Has Bonatto's advice been asked? Has he disterpreted it?
Yes. And no difficulty than we all to ourselves and the Duke
That is what is making him thoughtful, for whether he has been
convinced or not, that to-morrow's sun can bring no good,-it
makes one shurder, to know, that it is already foreerdained by
the stars.
The devil take you, Cosini, and the prophete Bonatte, too!
I tell you such things are not worth much! Doyou know, what
happened to me on the day before we went on our journey'
The body of a murdered man was found in front of my wind
had seventeen Wounds! And do you know, who uwore to no most
insistently, to remain at home? Our poor Pitti! And see:
I came home in safety, and poor Pitti lies on the high-read, just
as dead, as he prophesied I would be. It
things happen, as they will.
Mid-nigh is near.
If it
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Lands are already in the
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