A241: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 172

None more worthy, Beatrice
Even though Iicearched Bologna, through and through,
If this house is with sorcery bewitehed,
If you longuished here in secret lust
— I ask you not!—though however that may be, here,
Shall this unusual marriae end!
Here, beautiful Beatrice, shall you be mine!
What ails you? Has't still the morning child?
He touches her)
Your fingers--hands-- arms--even your bosom troubles!
Leave me! I beg you, leave me!
( Gazes at her.)
My eyes becomeraestomed to the darkness, unasked things
Are disclosed telling of the secret of this room!
Pulls the curintains
Here they hang in heavy solds to the earth-
come, Beatrice, here is prepared,
What has never yet seen such honor,as todays’s has seen
--The bridal bed wants, Princess of Bologna!
(He drawns her with him)
Let go of me!
Oh!doesinshame rouse for the last time, my Princess?
Then make believe that it is a caveren, so black and dub,
That therein we can bury our sobs chastely.
Come, Beatrice!
Let me go¬
(She tears herself away, and stands with everted face.)
What place is this
And what far gives your weakness such powerful strength
(In increaseing bewilderment.)
No,I say to you!
You embrace me, Duke,
before you go there--see,and I really mean it,
Here is my heart! – I beseech you,kill me
I of myself am too towardly,you know! But though
It’s fearful, as they wished it at the castle.
Yet you may do it--and at once!