The Shepherd’s Flute, 7.
deed I desire you to follow withoutesitation every
impydse of curiosity which awakes in you, every long
ing which tempts you, no matter where it may lead you.
And at the same time I swear to you, Dionysia: you
may go from here whither you wish, when you wish,, and
with whom you wish — you may come home today or in
ten years’ time — as queen or beggar- Ecoman, chaste
or a where — you will always find your bed and your
rament ready in this house, just as you leave them,
and from me — for I shall remain here, though not
awaiting you — you need never fear a word of reproach,
or even a question in all future time."
Dionysia stretehed out quietly in bed, her hands
clasped behind her head, and asked: "Are you speaking
in jest or in earnest?"
"It is so earnest, Dionysia, that nothing in this
world — no entreaty and no prayer — could move me
to take back the words which I have just vttered.
So understand me well: accept the phrase in its most
extended meaning, Dionysia, you are free." And he
turned from her as though in fairewell.
At the same instant Dionysia threw off the bed-
olothea, hurried to the window, tore it open;
deed I desire you to follow withoutesitation every
impydse of curiosity which awakes in you, every long
ing which tempts you, no matter where it may lead you.
And at the same time I swear to you, Dionysia: you
may go from here whither you wish, when you wish,, and
with whom you wish — you may come home today or in
ten years’ time — as queen or beggar- Ecoman, chaste
or a where — you will always find your bed and your
rament ready in this house, just as you leave them,
and from me — for I shall remain here, though not
awaiting you — you need never fear a word of reproach,
or even a question in all future time."
Dionysia stretehed out quietly in bed, her hands
clasped behind her head, and asked: "Are you speaking
in jest or in earnest?"
"It is so earnest, Dionysia, that nothing in this
world — no entreaty and no prayer — could move me
to take back the words which I have just vttered.
So understand me well: accept the phrase in its most
extended meaning, Dionysia, you are free." And he
turned from her as though in fairewell.
At the same instant Dionysia threw off the bed-
olothea, hurried to the window, tore it open;