A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 16

- 12 -
Count: Why, yes, it's all right.
(Servant goes)
Countess: What's the matter. Papa¬
Count: nothing, child, nothing.I wanted to drive some
place quickly, and that foot of a Joseph- - Excuse, me,
Mizzi, I just want to say a few words to Egon. (To the
Prince) Just think of it, she had called me up on the
telephone, /.. Lolo, I mean. She couldn t get the number than
and now, Laura,-well, her maid,- telephones, that Lolo just
left to drive out here.
Prince: Out here, to see you?
Count: Yes.
Prince: What's she coming for?
Count: I can explain it. You know, she has never been out
here, naturally, and I had always promised her,that she
he got married. It
might see the house and park, before
always grieve her that I wouldn’t
her out here. Of
course, with Mizzi around...... Lolo could see it herself..
and as to bringing her secretly, while Mizzi was away—I
Well, and there she
could never make up my mind to it.
sends a message, that her Bedding s going to be the day
after tomorrow and that she's on the way out here.
It isn't as your mistress-
Prince: And if she does come?
so why should you be embarrassad?
Count: To-day-and just now when we expect your son.—
Prince: Don't mind him.
But I don't like it. I’ll go and meet the
car nunge and stop her. It gets on my nerves. Excuse
me to your son, if he should come in the meantime. Good-
tye, Mizzi, back in a moment. (Goes)
Prince: Miss, Lolo, hasinenced herself and your father
doesn't like it.
Countess: Why, really? Lolo? She's coming?
Your father, Mizzi, had promised her to let her
see the grounds before her wedding.. And now he went out
to match her on the way before she gets here.
Countess: How childish. And touching. I'd have like to
meet her. isn’t it silly? There I've got a father, who
spends nearly half of his life with a probably very sym-
pathetic person- and I can’t even Shabe hands with her.
Why doesn't he want her out? He might know,that I'm im-
Perhaps he wouldn’t have care if
Prince: That's his way.
he didn’t expect another call presently...