A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 45

Count: (surprised) What?
Prince...It’s really the best thing to tell Mizzi the truth
at once.
Espectally when
Count: Naturally, naturally, why not then?
you are even adopting him....It's really finny. A daughter, even if
she's as old as the hills, for her father still remains the little
Countess: (appears. Thirty-seven years old, very young-
looking for her age. Florentine straw hat, white dress. She
kisses the Count. Then gives her hand to the Prince) Well, how are
you, Prince Egon?
Prince: Very well, thanks, Mizzi. Working hard?
Countess: Oh, I point my posies.
Recently Professor Wind¬
Count: Don't be so modest, Mizzi.
hofer said that she could very well exhibit. She can compete with
Countess: Yes, that's possible. But I'm not ambitious.
Prince: I'm not in favor of exhibiting either. Then one is at
the alleing of every newspaper winter.
Countess: So are members of the House of Lords. At least
when they say something.
Count: And what about our kind? These newspaper9-men
poke theirDoses into everything.
Prince: Well, as things go nowadays, there are people, Mizzi,
who could critique your pictures only because you’re a countess.
Count; He’s right in that.
Servant (enters) Your honor is wanted at the telephone.
Count: Who is it? What's the matter?
Servant: Some one wishes to speak with your honor personally.
(Softly to him) Tell her now while
Count: Pardon me a moment.
I'm not here. I'd rather. (Leaves)
Countess: Some one is telephoning... can papa already be in
newkeins? (sits down).
Prince: In new ones?
Countess: This is the time when Lolo usually telephoned.
But it’s all over with Lolo now. You know that, don’t you?
Prince: Yes, I’ve just heard it.