- 29 -
I really don't understand you.
This is the favorable moment to obtain something for our
Institute. When a Doctor, a Clinical Professor is at the
head of affairs, that is a conjuncture which we must
utilise to the full.
You are all extremely optimistic in regard to Flint.
With good reason. I prophesied hs career when we were both
working together in the laboratory at Bruocke, nearly
thirty years ago. I have already sketched out a permorandum.
What we want first of all is a State subvention, so that
We should no longer be entirely dependent on somewhat
degrading method of private collection. further -
You are forgetful of one particular. Flint is our most
bitter opponene.
Oh, but that’s quite an old story. To day his attitude
towards the Elizabeth Institute is one of the utmost
sympEthy. Councillor- Winkler mentioned it to me only
yesterday. quite of his own accord.
Well —--
(coming out of the ward) Quickly to Bernhardi) I think
father, if you want to speak to her again --
Excuse me, my dear Cyprian. Perhaps you won’t mind waiting
I really don't understand you.
This is the favorable moment to obtain something for our
Institute. When a Doctor, a Clinical Professor is at the
head of affairs, that is a conjuncture which we must
utilise to the full.
You are all extremely optimistic in regard to Flint.
With good reason. I prophesied hs career when we were both
working together in the laboratory at Bruocke, nearly
thirty years ago. I have already sketched out a permorandum.
What we want first of all is a State subvention, so that
We should no longer be entirely dependent on somewhat
degrading method of private collection. further -
You are forgetful of one particular. Flint is our most
bitter opponene.
Oh, but that’s quite an old story. To day his attitude
towards the Elizabeth Institute is one of the utmost
sympEthy. Councillor- Winkler mentioned it to me only
yesterday. quite of his own accord.
Well —--
(coming out of the ward) Quickly to Bernhardi) I think
father, if you want to speak to her again --
Excuse me, my dear Cyprian. Perhaps you won’t mind waiting