A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 17

trump the Deutsches Theater has played. Die letzten Masken, in
which Sauermann Srayed the journalist as Schnitzler visuellzed
him, had a noisy success. There was extraordinary approval of
the presentation in which the excellent troupe gave its best." (1)
The play's were given on October 2:th and 31st and on November 1st
and 2nd. Thereafter Literatur was often given at the living Place
Theater. On November 29, 1912 Liebelei was produced. It was pe-
peated on November 30th and December 1st. "A large audience saw
a right presseworthy performance. There was atmosphere in it and
for the most part Viennese atmosphere. Otto Stoeckel gave a
good performance as Fritz and on the whole it was an impresive
presentation." (2) Das weite Land was played from September
29th until October 5th and again on October 9, 1915. In the cast
were Arnold Korff and Iphigenie Buchmann who had played the parts
of Hofreiter and Erna when the play was given at the Burg Theater
in Vienna. Korff immediately became a great favorite. This is
the only instance when one of Schnitzler's playe was put on
every night for an entire week at the Irving Place Theater. It
seems strange that Anatol was never produced at this theater,
especially since it was given with such success in English. In
1918 the presentation of German playe was discontinued and the
theater seems to have gone out of existence as a German play House.
Yorker St.
ats Zeit:
g. Oet. 30, 1907. p 11.
2. Mev. Törker Staats zeitung, Nov. 30, 1912. p. 10.