2. Earliest translations of playe 1904-1911.
The Lady with the Dagger was the very first of Schnitzler's
works to appear in.translation in the.States. It appeared
in 1904 in Poet Lore and was followed the next year by a trans-
lation in Current Literature of "Die Gefährtin" (translated as
"The Wife"). in 1906, 1910 and 1911 Post Lore continued to inc-
lude tranalations of Schnitzler's works, beleoting respectively
"Living Houre" (translated by Helen T. Porter), "The Duke and
the Actress" (translated by Hans Weyez from "Der grüne Lakadu")
and "The Legacy" (translated by Mary L. Stephenson). (1)
1. ) For volume, pages, etc. refer to bibliography, under
Transletions - "Dramatic Works".
The Lady with the Dagger was the very first of Schnitzler's
works to appear in.translation in the.States. It appeared
in 1904 in Poet Lore and was followed the next year by a trans-
lation in Current Literature of "Die Gefährtin" (translated as
"The Wife"). in 1906, 1910 and 1911 Post Lore continued to inc-
lude tranalations of Schnitzler's works, beleoting respectively
"Living Houre" (translated by Helen T. Porter), "The Duke and
the Actress" (translated by Hans Weyez from "Der grüne Lakadu")
and "The Legacy" (translated by Mary L. Stephenson). (1)
1. ) For volume, pages, etc. refer to bibliography, under
Transletions - "Dramatic Works".