A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 22

night on Tuesday, February 26, 1929 at the Cherry Lane Theater.
But the Flayer's Cooperative did not make a very good job of
their production. Robert Littell said, "It was finally performed.
Liebelel is a good play, a tender, ready, rather observed play”,
and J. brooks Etkinson said, They acted for a draggledussul.
It was a kesitating and rather embarréeed per fomance. The play
is a moving tragedy, which in 1896, when it was written, or in
1906, when it was first played here, had a perfect right to fill
the playgoing eye with teers. (2)
Meanwhile the publichers must have decided that if there
was sufficient demand for a play to produce it twice within three
years it might be reasonable to expect that many would like to
read it. The result was that in 1914 A. P. McClurg of Chicago
saiblished F. Worton Shand’s.translation Hlaying with Love and
in 1929 Morgan’s translation which had originally appeared in
the Drama of 1912 was edited by S. M. Tucker in Modern continent-
al Plays. Thus Liebelei has a rather impressive history in the
Dnited States as a stage production in German and in English,
and as an entering play to read.
5. Professor Bernhardi
although the year 1913 saw the publication of the first
group of stories in English
brak in the publication of the dramatic works. That very year a
Beston company published Grumann's criaslation. Freo Came and
P. Elder Co. of San Francisco published Mrs. Fohli's garbled
version of Professor Bernhardi. I believe the fact that this
translation appeared only one year after the play was pub-
lished in German is an indication of the growing copularity of
Schnitzler. Publishers began to want to print the latest work
York Evening Post. Feb. 27, 1929, page 10.
2.) New York
nes. Feb. 27. 1929.