A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 25

G. E. ö.
per fomance for subscribers only. Here was where Miss Colbron's
translation went one step ahead of Mr. Samuel’s for here was
the one used by the Klayers, In October, 1930 the play was re-
vived by Eva Le Gallienne and given at the Civie Repertory Thea-
ter as a curtain-reiser for The Lady from Alfredue. In the
opinion of John Meson Brown "Schnitzler s fine playlet of the
French Revolution was badly done. (1) Robert Garland gave an
extremedly unfavorable report in which he said, among other things,
"The la test addition to the Theater's (Civic Repertory's) list
of importations fores badly at the hands of the cast. It neede
lightening of its tones." (E) A less hargh criticism was that
"It is a good piece of visional production but never Carages to
be very portentous, as you have a feeling it should be. (3)
Yet, although the production is severaly kriticised, the play
itself never is.
7. The history of Literature
önnning close to The Green Cockatoo in popularity is
Literature. Like its Rival it was published in 1914 in German
elassies and in 1917 in Anatol:Living Houre: The Green Cockatoo
It was bound in the same volume with its Rival. Pierre Loving's
translation appeared in The International in 1915, in 1917 in
Comedies of Worde and Other Plays - "Literature" being one of the
"Other Plays" -, and in 1920 as one of fifty Contemperary One-
ïst Plays. This play also has three translators - du P.Coleman,
P.Lowing and G.Colbron. It had been sucessfully produced in
German together with Der grüne Kakadu and Die letzten Masken. (4)
1. ) New York Evening Post, Oct. 10, 1930, p 10.
2. New York Telegram, Oct. 10, 1930.
3.) New York times. Oct. 10, 1930.
4.) See page 2.