A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 26

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bat when in November, 1915 the Washington Square Players pro-
duoed it at the Band box Theater it was "hereon to art". (1)
8. The Lonely way: Intermazzo: Countess Mizzie - 1915.
From 1910 till 1917 not a year went by but that at least
one of Schnitzler's playe was published in translation in the
Dnited States. Buring this period 1911..the year of |Barker's
famous Anatolische. and 1917 seem to be outstanding. Yet
every one of those years had contributed towards making Schnitzler
just a little better known. We have covered the first six years
of this period completely, so far as playe are concerned, ex-
cept that no mention has been made of a volume of three days
The Lonely Way: Intermezzo: Gountess Mizzie, translated by Björkman
and published in 1915. This book called forth oomments from
some of the most reliableoritics, representing some of the finest
periodicals of our country. George Soule expressed what was
more and more becoming the conviction of those who know good
literature. He said, "Schnitzler is not a write whose work one
has the power to appreise on short acquaintance. America must
know him better before it can decide for itself. But this book
should make it plain that America must at all events know him.
"He has taken middle-elass life in the gayest capital of Europe
and sprad it before us. not as a theoret, but as one who ob-
serves minutely and is not 18eceived. His play are parts of the
grest drama of life deflected by a lense of keen intellectuality
upon the stage of our emotions and played by each man according
to his perception,” is the judgment of anotheroritie. (3)
Here, just as later in the case of Anatol: Livinq Hours! The Green
Cockatoo the crities are afraid that these playe might be thought
1. )introduction to Comedies of words, edited by P.Loving,
Cincinnätl, 1917.
Oct. 16, 1916, IV, 290.
Réviewa. Aug., 1915, LII. 245.