A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 40

I believe that M. C. has a better understanding of the situation.
He defende Bestrice against theoritios who object to the sudden
change in her, by explaining "Schnitzler does not contend Beatrice
hasbergone a radical change. She perceives herself as she really
is, and foresoeing a future that she will not bring herself too spe-
eifically to realize, she dies." (1) Yet, one isels the truth of
this statement: “rechnically and paychologically it isn’t half so
clever as Else. Beatrice's son's leaving of her affair seems to
be what brings on the catastrophe, but doesn’t, in all circumstances
seem enough. Can the ending be tamed down, as Englished?" (2)
Here Agnes Jacques is free from all built since I believe even the
diasual reader of the German version would be struck by this weakness
Helen Chadviok argued, “Agnes Jacques is so adequate an interpreten
that the book retains the author’s own graceful,leherming and aro-
matic style.” Ellery Rand’s review of “Aorspanion volume to
Schnitzler's Also stated, "Beatrice remains only a character in a
book, a woman whose fall from grace inspires in us & mild interest
tingled feintly with August. There is real dramatic stuff in the
ie of Bestrice." (3) He also attempta to account for the in¬
feriority of this story by drawing attention to the fact that it
antedates else by some thirteen years. The Boston Transcript oen-
suresaiplightly - "Schnitzler is harsh and cruel and often almost
revolting in his cold sensuality. nevertheless, it would not be
unfair to class this book with the great (emitional) sex classio
of the age." (4) The New Yorker considered it "Another tabloid
(5) "which makes up with brilli-
psychological study of a woman,
ancy for any lack of heavy conviction" (6) and "Proves that good
fiction can be got out of the mother-son situation without writing
either in gibberish or at intolerable length." (7) On May 8, 1920
it was listed by the Evening Sun of Baltimore as one of the six
best sellers and by May 30,�1926, when Fraulein Eise was in its
Commereial Appeal (Memphis, Teun.), June 6, 1926.
May 6
dann (Baltimore, Md.). May 8,�1926.
script. May 22,oc26. p 2.
ex. July 31, le 26.
June 26,faß6.
, July 10, 23d.