A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 61

Loving wrote interviewe. The New York World of November 25, 1923
had an article on Schnitzler's life, his appearance, his favorable
occupations and so forth, and both the America Hebrew and the
Jewich Exponent fastured articles written by Schnitzler, à quick
glance through the bibliography will show how many newspapers re-
erved space for reviews of Schnitzler's works or perhaps for
only a one-sentence announcement of a new publication. At any
rate, the name "Schnitzler" has appeared in innumerable publica¬
tions - some important, some very insignficant - from New York
City to San Francisco and from St. Paul, Minnesota to Galveston,
Texas. A one-aot satire entitled "Schnitzleresque", written by
Carla Palm, was published in The Drama of 1924. There also exists
a poem by Mabel Posegate entitled "Arthur Schnitzler" (Austrian
Dramatist). This poem was published somehow about 1927 and ap-
peared in a newspaper, most likely from wattville. Tennessee. The
only information of which I am sure is that there is such a poem
and that its author is Mabel Fosegate.
I should say that until abproximately 1S26 Schnitzler was
known Lhiefly as a play-uriter, and primarily as a write of one
act playe. As late as November 9, 1929 Edwin Seaver in the New
York Evening Post referred to "The Green Gockatoo" as "perhaps
the most extraordinary one -act play written in our time." Two
of Schnitzler's one-act playa were published five times, two
others four times and four of them appeared in three different
transnuons. (1) Of the stories only “The Blind Geronimo” ap-
proaches such a record, it having been translated three times
and published four times. In the past five years, however, the
ʼosli ottai oleuksen osa
1. ) See page 22 of the Essay, and also the Bibliography under
Plays frequently published".