A239: Englischsprachige Arbeiten über Schnitzler, Seite 62

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tables seem to have turned and Schnitzler is more widely known
for his novelettes and short stories. This may be partially due
to the fact that Simon and Schuster, since then his chief Ameri-
can published only prose works, with the excep-
tion of Professor Bernhardi, which had already been published in
1913. I wonder why Der Schleier der Beatrice and Der junge
Medardus were never translated. They are too long and there are
too many character to produce them with great success but they
might be read - or are they too trpically "Vienna" to appeal to
trouerioan readers? Perhaps the real reason is that America is do
not generally read playe. Other dramas which have never been
translated are "Der Suppenspieler" and "Zum grossen Wurstl" and
the later dramas Fink und Fliederbusch. Die Schwestern, Komödie
der Verführung, Im Spiel der Sommerlüfte and Der Gang zum Weiher.
I believe the only prose works never translated into English are
Sterben and Die dreifache Warnung. Of late we find that the
English translations are published very soon after the German
Etories are put on sale on the continent. seineriaan readers like
the deftness of Schnitzler's style and they realize that
Schnitzler achieves in a novelette more than many a write does
is a long novel. This of necessity involved a compact, terse
style, which results in a book which one can not easily put aside
until it is finished.