it seems worse to me than if someone dressed as a Greek
statue in tighta and exhibited herself in front of Bonacher's
Such a statue does'nt say Boe, but the way these authora blurt
out everything, is no laughing matter.
MARGARET: (Restless) You forget dearest, that author
do not always state facts.
CLEMENS: And if they exäggerate, does that make it any
MARGARET: That is not exaggeration; one calls that hyper-
CLEMENS: What kind of word is that?
MARGARET: Or we relate things we have dreamed - which we
have simply invented, never experienced.
CLEMENS: I ask you not to say "we". Tank God you no
lenger belong to them.
MARGARET: who knows?
CLEMENS: What do you mean?
MARGARET: (Tenderly) Clemens, I must tell you.
CLEMENS: Well, what is it?
MARGARET: I do belong to them; I have not given up
CLEMENS: Since when?
MARGARET: That is very simple - I am still writing, or
rather, I have written something - yes, a thing like that
is stronger than other people can comprehend. I think I
statue in tighta and exhibited herself in front of Bonacher's
Such a statue does'nt say Boe, but the way these authora blurt
out everything, is no laughing matter.
MARGARET: (Restless) You forget dearest, that author
do not always state facts.
CLEMENS: And if they exäggerate, does that make it any
MARGARET: That is not exaggeration; one calls that hyper-
CLEMENS: What kind of word is that?
MARGARET: Or we relate things we have dreamed - which we
have simply invented, never experienced.
CLEMENS: I ask you not to say "we". Tank God you no
lenger belong to them.
MARGARET: who knows?
CLEMENS: What do you mean?
MARGARET: (Tenderly) Clemens, I must tell you.
CLEMENS: Well, what is it?
MARGARET: I do belong to them; I have not given up
CLEMENS: Since when?
MARGARET: That is very simple - I am still writing, or
rather, I have written something - yes, a thing like that
is stronger than other people can comprehend. I think I