he’s no through-bred. Well, Margaret, with your Cbilities,
you’ll soon know a good thing from a bad one. It wattes me
how quickly you’ve picked up all these things. It surpasses
my greatest expectations.
Why should it intpass your expectations. You know very
well that these things aren’t perfectly new to me. Mary
people of high standing visited my father - Count Libowski
and many others, and at my husband’s house –
Of course, - of course, I have nothing against the woollen
What has the woollen business to do with my personal point of
view. I developed along my own lines. But don’t let us
talk of those days They are far off, thank heaven.
Yes but there is another time not so far off.
Which - how.
You surely heard little sporting news in your set at Munich.
Are you going to repversch me with knowing the people I did
at Munioh, when you met me there yourself,
you’ll soon know a good thing from a bad one. It wattes me
how quickly you’ve picked up all these things. It surpasses
my greatest expectations.
Why should it intpass your expectations. You know very
well that these things aren’t perfectly new to me. Mary
people of high standing visited my father - Count Libowski
and many others, and at my husband’s house –
Of course, - of course, I have nothing against the woollen
What has the woollen business to do with my personal point of
view. I developed along my own lines. But don’t let us
talk of those days They are far off, thank heaven.
Yes but there is another time not so far off.
Which - how.
You surely heard little sporting news in your set at Munich.
Are you going to repversch me with knowing the people I did
at Munioh, when you met me there yourself,