A242: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 32

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Count: (Gets up- kisses her on theorghand- walking a few
What do you think of- How do you like the boy?
Countess: Phillip? A little cheeky.
Count: Yes, cheeky, but jolly. Hope he stage in the army.
That’s a more sensible career than diplomaty. Slow but sure.
If you live long enough you get to be a general. But the
political car-eer- „Look at Egon-“ Three times he was nearly
made Minister- and even if he had reached it..... (Walling
up and donn) Well, well,- it'll be rather lovely this summer
for us out here.
Countess: You wanted to go to Ostende, Papa.
Count: But say- Worldn't you like to come? It really would.
You know without you- Don't look at me. I know I wasn't
around all these years with you as I ought to-
Countess: (taking his hands) But, Papa, you don't want to
make causes? I understand perfectly.
Count: Well, yes. But without you I don’t care for the
And what do you want to do here all by yourself?
whole trip.
Paint the whole day?
Countess: There’s only one stupid thing about it. The Prince
has asked me to many him.
Count: What? Is it possible? Why- And- And you said, No?
Countess: That's what it amounts to.
Count: Why, yes- really- I never try to six with your affairs
as you think best. But really I don't know why it wouldn’t-
I noticed long ago that he- Your ages would fit veryAicely
And the other things - twelve millions aren’t so bad- but just
Or is it because of
as you think. (Countess doesn't answer)
the boy? I tell you, that (s'overboing it. Such things happen
in the best of families. And particularly- as his wife was
always complaining of her weak heart- suddenly one gets mixed
up in these affairs without knowing how.
Countess: And leaves such a poor girl and runs her.
Count: Oh, well, they only write that in novel. Is it his
fault? These girl always do seem to die young., And if
she hadn’t died he might have- really I think it s very
nice of him, adopting the boy. It takes courage. I know
many. Well, let s drop the subject. So if that is the only
thing against him— And anyway being together in Ostende
doesn't bind you to anything.
Countess: That's true.
Count: There, you see. I’ll tell you something. You just
accompany me. If you like it, stay. It you don’t,go one to London