you want? If, in the long run, he should prove enough
or you, you who have known better things - that is another
tter. I can only say to you that for me, you are a
negade in love.
MARGARET: That word came to you on the train.
CILBERT: It came to me this moment.
MARGARET: Write it down; it's a good one.
CILBERT: I have 'nt a word for you. Once you were a woman
you are
sowa wanton. Yes you are! What could have attracted you
on't be unfair...ansr you certainly were - shamefully
ver. And you have succeeded. still ene cannot be surprised
were always a snob. But at last you have your way
have ensnared him - your noble youth with his well
red-for hands and neglected brain. The skilled rider,
t,fencer, tennis player, heart breaker; Marlitt could not
ve created a more congressing character. Well, what more
to a person of that sort? None but the basest, the lowest,
MARGARET: I beg of you; you have no occasion to -
GILBERT: Dear child, in every case I had a soul to oope
MARGARET: Yes, sometimes only that.
CILBERT: Den't try to belittle our relations; you won't
succeed - It remains for you the finest, the highest experience
or you, you who have known better things - that is another
tter. I can only say to you that for me, you are a
negade in love.
MARGARET: That word came to you on the train.
CILBERT: It came to me this moment.
MARGARET: Write it down; it's a good one.
CILBERT: I have 'nt a word for you. Once you were a woman
you are
sowa wanton. Yes you are! What could have attracted you
on't be unfair...ansr you certainly were - shamefully
ver. And you have succeeded. still ene cannot be surprised
were always a snob. But at last you have your way
have ensnared him - your noble youth with his well
red-for hands and neglected brain. The skilled rider,
t,fencer, tennis player, heart breaker; Marlitt could not
ve created a more congressing character. Well, what more
to a person of that sort? None but the basest, the lowest,
MARGARET: I beg of you; you have no occasion to -
GILBERT: Dear child, in every case I had a soul to oope
MARGARET: Yes, sometimes only that.
CILBERT: Den't try to belittle our relations; you won't
succeed - It remains for you the finest, the highest experience