Clen: How absurd to ask; You forget, it'e the Damenpreis Kandi¬
cap. Whom else could I get to ride him? And if Horner
thought for a moment that I wasn't going to ride him, he'd
never in his life put up one and a half to one. You may
stake all you've got on that.
I’m well aware of that. You are so handsome when you
bestride a horse--honest and truly, too sweet for any-
thing! I shall never forget that day in Munich, when I
first made yourdesquaintances--
Clem: Dlesse not to rrmind me of it. I had rothen luck that day.
But you can believe me, Windy would never have won, if it
were'nt for the ten lengths he gained at the start. But
this time--never! You know, of course, it is decided
we leave town the same day.
Sam evening, you mean,
If you will —but why?
because it's been arranged we're to be married in the morn-
ing, has'nt it?
Clem: Quite so.
Marg. I am so happy. (embraces him) Now where shall we spend our
Clem: I take it we're agreed. Are'nt we? On the estate.
Marg: Oh, of course, later. Are'nt we going to take in the
Riviera, as a ordinary tidbit?
Clem: As for that, it all depends on the Handicap. —If we win--
Marg: Surest thing;
Clem: And besides, in April the Riviera's not at all good ton.
Marg: Is that your reason?
Clem: Of course it is, my love. In your former way of life there
vere so few oppertunities for your getting a clear concept-
ion of fashion--. Pardon me, but whatever there was, you
must admit, really had its origin in the comio journals.
Clem, please;
Woll, voll/ ve'll see. (continues reading) Badegast fif-
toon to one--
cap. Whom else could I get to ride him? And if Horner
thought for a moment that I wasn't going to ride him, he'd
never in his life put up one and a half to one. You may
stake all you've got on that.
I’m well aware of that. You are so handsome when you
bestride a horse--honest and truly, too sweet for any-
thing! I shall never forget that day in Munich, when I
first made yourdesquaintances--
Clem: Dlesse not to rrmind me of it. I had rothen luck that day.
But you can believe me, Windy would never have won, if it
were'nt for the ten lengths he gained at the start. But
this time--never! You know, of course, it is decided
we leave town the same day.
Sam evening, you mean,
If you will —but why?
because it's been arranged we're to be married in the morn-
ing, has'nt it?
Clem: Quite so.
Marg. I am so happy. (embraces him) Now where shall we spend our
Clem: I take it we're agreed. Are'nt we? On the estate.
Marg: Oh, of course, later. Are'nt we going to take in the
Riviera, as a ordinary tidbit?
Clem: As for that, it all depends on the Handicap. —If we win--
Marg: Surest thing;
Clem: And besides, in April the Riviera's not at all good ton.
Marg: Is that your reason?
Clem: Of course it is, my love. In your former way of life there
vere so few oppertunities for your getting a clear concept-
ion of fashion--. Pardon me, but whatever there was, you
must admit, really had its origin in the comio journals.
Clem, please;
Woll, voll/ ve'll see. (continues reading) Badegast fif-
toon to one--