A243: Englischsprachige Übersetzungen, Seite 98

Marg: Good seavens, they were allRealous of you. Naturally
enough--you were so unlike them. They all paid court
to me because I would'nt diseriminate in favor of any
one of them. You certainly must have noticed that, eh?
Why are you laughing?
Comical--is no word for it! If someone had Maophesied to
me that I was going to carry a regular frequenter of
the café' Maximilian – – I fancied the two young painters
most. They'd have made an incomparable vaudoville toam.
Do you know, they ressembled each other so much andlic
everything they possessed in common--and, if I mistake
not, the Russian on the ladder along with the rest.
I did'nt bother myself with such things.
And then both must have been yews?
Why so?
Oh simply because they always jested in such a way. And
their enunciation.
You may spare your anti-semitic remains.
Now, sweetheart, don't be touchy. I know that your
blood is not untainted, and I have nothing whatever
against the jews. I once had a tutor in Greek who
was a few. Henest and truly.? He was a capital fellow.
One meets all sorts and conditions of people. I don't
in the least regret having made thedesquaintance of your
associates in Munich. It's all in the weave of our
Life-experience. But I can't help thinking that I
must have appeared to you like a hero come to rescue
you in the uick of time.
Yes, so you did. My Clem! Clom! (embraces him)
What are you laughing at?
Marg: something's just occurred to me.
Clem: What?
Marg: “Abandoned on the breast and...
Cien: (vexed) Plessei Must you always rouse me from my il-